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16 of June 2014

ACQ Global Awards : France – Company Relocation Service Provider of the Year

In June 2014, Management Mobility Consulting was named by ACQ GLOBAL AWARDS as « FRANCE – COMPANY RELOCATION SERVICE PROVIDER OF THE YEAR”.

As an international relocation management company, Management Mobility Consulting coordinates workforce mobility around the globe. The services include the full range of destination services, such as home search for expatriates and their families, orientation days to get to know the city of destination, children’s schooling, setting up of utilities, coordination of language courses, purchase of furniture, social security registration, departure services as well as immigration assistance and cross-cultural training. Management Mobility Consulting also carries out tailor made surveys in the areas of international mobility and expatriate management.

Management Mobility Consulting offers some very innovative services such as the evaluation of the candidates’ cross-cultural adaptability, “Look See” web conferences, housing safety audits, security audits of residential areas, return coaching, special VIP programmes and emergency evacuations of large groups around the clock.

To satisfy their clients’ needs, the company has developed customized webinars on various topics, for exemple, to explain the social security system, to assist spouses with their job search and to help expat teenagers with their educational orientation.

Over the last 12 months, the company won three international awards reflecting excellence of service quality and overall top level performance.

The particular strength of Management Mobility Consulting is their personalized approach to services and relationships. The company has also been recognized for their innovative tools and for a holistic team based leadership model.

A high level of satisfaction of clients and employees is demonstrated by recommendations, long lasting client relationships and high motivation of their staff.

This success has been achieved thanks to trust-based lean management, well structured processes and a very efficient customer relationship management.

Mangement Mobility Consulting has set up training structures of young professionals in Africa where the company regularly funds humanitarian projects.

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